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  Sahall was born in Northern New York State. She began her artistic education at the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester, New York. She completed her education at Ohio Weslyan University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree. Sahall’s art has been on display at the Museum of Art in Pittsfield, Ma. and are part of the prominent Xerox Collection, and the Munson Proctor Williams Institute of Art. She has held a one woman show in New York, California, New Orleans and twice in Tokyo Japan. Her works are displayed in distinguished galleries across the United States.    Sahall's limited edition works featured here have images that are bled to their hand torn edges.  This gives one the option of either floating the piece on the matting for a dramatic effect.  You can alternatively go for the traditional tucking under look if you prefer. You will notice interesting shine and treatment to the surfaces adding depth and character to each image.

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